STL Science Center

STL Science Center

09 June 2011

Popular Cryolophosaurus

Despite its new face on the page of the Dinosauria, Cryolophosaurus has become quite popular already. In part due to its interesting head ornamentation no doubt, this dinosaur has appeared in many places that we have already visited; museums all over (as cast fossils of course), Dinosaur Train, tribute videos, Spore, The Field Museum's blogs, books, scientific papers and on. However, one place we haven't mentioned yet is the game (cards and video, the latter in this case) and show Dinosaur King. Here he sports a bisected crest. Another important place that Cryolophosaurus has shown up, important for a dinosaur's popularity that is, is the world of toys.

I'm not going to critique the toy as it has already been done quite ably by the people at the DinoToy blog but I will say that this toy has the single piece scalloped crest that we saw in the illustrations. Check out the Dinosaur Toy blog for a ton of other angles and a really intense critique on the toy itself.

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